A Cool Way to use all of the Tiny Lego Pieces Laying Around the House

Lego Mosaics

Did you know that Lego used to make the cutest Lego Mosaic sets??

Although they have since been discontinued, we were inspired to try making our own Lego Mosaics from the mountain of Lego pieces we have on hand.   We cut a few of our large baseplates into small squares and the kids sorted all of our tiny 1x1x1 bricks into a clear container from the dollar store.

Lego plates for building Lego Mosaics

The result? A container FULL of tiny Lego bricks ready for the kids to create whatever their heart desires 🙂

Lately, I find the kids pulling out the container of pieces with friends to create cute little mosaics in all kinds of unique designs.  Check out the pacman inspired mosaics the kids created below.

They turned out pretty cute, right?

Have you created any Lego Mosaics with your leftover Lego pieces? Let me know in the comments below.

Happy Building!

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